Austin Allen, PhD., ASLA
Austin Allen has participated in 17 years of the recovery effort in New Orleans and four years in Jacmel, Haiti, assisting in rebuilding the community and engaging graduate students in related service learning and design projects. He is a principal in DesignJones LLC. in New Orleans and Arlington, TX. He is also an independent filmmaker with works including “Claiming Open Spaces.” Allen also focuses on documenting and expressing Cultural Landscapes. Allen is an associate professor of practice in the School of Architecture and the Associate Dean, CAPPA, The University of Texas at Arlington. He was the inaugural Bickham Chair at Louisiana State University, School of Landscape Architecture, serving as Graduate Program Coordinator and as an Associate Professor. He also served as the Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Colorado Denver. Austin received the Distinguished Alumni Award 2017, College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley. He is a contributing author of the award-winning book, Black Landscapes Matter, 2020, by Walter Hood and Grace Mitchell Tada.