Diane Jones Allen, PLA, FASLA, FCELA
Diane Jones Allen, MLA, D.Eng., FASLA, PLA is Professor and Program Director for Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs, at the University of Texas at Arlington. As Principal Landscape Architect with DesignJones LLC she became elevated to Fellow in the American Society of Landscape Architects in 2019. Design Jones LLC also received the 2016 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Community Service Award under her leadership. Diane also served on the Board of the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF), serving as Vice President for Education for 2021. Diane is part of one of two cross disciplinary teams that won 2020 SOM Foundation Research Prize focused on examining social justice in urban contexts. Her research and practice are guided by the intersection of environmental justice, identity, and sustainability in cultural landscapes, including “Nomadic” responses to “Transit Deserts,” places of increasing transportation demand and limited access, as discuss in her book “Lost in the Transit Desert: Race, Transit Access, and Suburban Form” published by Routledge Press in 2017. Diane, co-edited “Design for Democracy: Techniques for Collective Creativity”, published by Island Press in 2017. She was a 2021-2022 fellow for Garden and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks working on her upcoming book on Maroon Landscapes. She is author of “Lost in the Transit Desert: Race, Transit Access, and Suburban Form” published 2017. In 2017, she served on the ASLA Blue Ribbon Panel on Climate Change and Resiliency, and in 2022 she served on ASLA’s Climate Task Force to develop the ASLA Climate Action Plan.