Langston Additions
Washington, D.C.
Langston Additions
Washington, D.C.
Langston Terrace is a historic property built in 1937 and in Northeast Washington, D.C. The seven-acre property was the first federally funded housing project in Washington and the second in the United States. The property was part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Public Works Administration program and was named in honor of John Mercer Langston, a 19th-century American abolitionist and attorney who founded Howard University Law School, and served as a U.S. congressman from Virginia. While Langston Terrace is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and on the DC Inventory of Historic Sites, Langston Additions was added later as a 34-unit townhouse property that was built in 1954 directly adjacent to Langston Terrace.
This DCHA Capital Project holds a major significance for the surrounding community and the nation, a careful and sensitive resident based approach is being undertaken to modernize the buildings and the landscape of a culturally rich historic site.
This design focuses on reclaiming open space for the community, by responding to the needs of the residents and creating spaces that represent the strength and unity of its community.
Project Team
Landscape Architect I DesignJones LLC
Architect I Brasher Design
Project Status
1.4 Acres