The Mr. Fred Rouse Memorial
Fort Worth, Texas
The Mr. Fred Rouse Memorial
Fort Worth, Texas
The Mr. Fred Rouse Memorial calls to mind the harrowing experience of Mr. Fred Rouse, an African American worker at the Swift Company meat packing plant, who broke the strike line to go to work. He was not allowed to join the white workers on strike since he was not allowed to be a part of the workers union in 1921. Due to his heroism he was kidnapped and lynched from a Hackberry tree located adjacent to the site of the memorial. Mr. Rouse was one of thousands of African American’s lynched in the United States. His story is unique yet shared as he was one of many who were trying to live, work and be a productive citizen, but whose life was cut short. This memorial, championed by his grandson Mr. Fred Rouse III, his family, and the Tarrant County Coalition for Peace and Justice, will provide visitors an opportunity to memorialize strength and reckon with a past of injustice. The design of the memorial will provide visitors a spatial temporal experience as they travel through the rain garden and the tree panels. This journey takes the traveler towards the large concrete memorial wall that stands before the hackberry tree symbolizing the heroism of Mr. Fred Rouse. The garden path and plaza area allow for contemplation, and a timeline wall within the plaza provides additional information on the experience of Mr. Fred Rouse, including his legacy and what it means for us today. The design includes green infrastructure that captures carbon and mitigates flooding, also symbolizing sustainability and resiliency of the African community in their past and current environment.
Tarrant County Coalition for Peace and Justice (TCCPJ)
Project Team
Landscape Architect I DesignJones LLC
Project Status
Construction Design Phase
0.33 Acres

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What is and What Could be
The purpose of this video is to give audiences a spatial experience of The Mr. Fred Rouse Memorial, including a visual and auditory experience of the site.